The Parliament passed the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) (Amendment) Act 2023. More on news
GNCTD (Amendment) Act repeals the National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Ordinance 2023.
The ordinance, giving the Delhi Lieutenant Governor (LG) more powers over the Delhi government, was issued after the decision of the Supreme Court in the GNCTD vs. Union of India (2023) case.
o The question before the Court was whether the Delhi government (headed by the elected Chief Minister) or the
LG (appointed by the President) would have control over services and civil servants in Delhi. o The Supreme Court granted that the government of Delhi had complete command over most services in the capital, leaving out public order, land, and police, over which the central government has exclusive powers.
In 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that the LG did not have independent decision-making powers and was bound to follow the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers. The governance model of Delhi NCT
Classification as a Union Territory (UT): Under the States’ Reorganization Act of 1956, Delhi was classified as a UT, governed under Article 239 of the Constitution. o It states that UTs are directly governed by the President or an administrator appointed by the President.
Special Status: Following the recommendations of the S Balakrishnan Committee, the 69th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1991 conferred special status on Delhi and designated it as the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCTD).
o It added Article239AA to the Constitution and made Delhi a UT with a legislature and a council of ministers. o The Lieutenant Governor (LG) is designated as the administrator of Delhi, operating with the aid and advice of the council of ministers of Delhi. • Powers of Delhi Legislature: The Delhi Legislative Assembly has the power to legislate over subjects in the State List
and Concurrent List, except for police, public order, and land. The Delhi government has executive powers over the same subjects. o Also,ParliamentcanlegislateoverallmattersintheStateandConcurrentListsrelatedtoDelhi.
Source: VisionIAS